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  1. The Journal of Agricultural Education & Extensionaccepts authorative and well-referenced scientific articles within the field of agricultural education and extension after a double-blind peer review process. Agricultural education and extension faces profound change, and therefore its core...
  2. TheJournal of International Agricultural and Extension Education(JIAEE) is the official refereed publication of the Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE). The purpose of theJIAEEis to enhance the research and knowledge base of agricultural and extension...
  3. Abstract,University of Tehran, 2017 Nowadays, hundreds of plant clinics are available for smallholder farmers especially in developing and less-developed countries in order to improve the yield and quality of agricultural products. Several investigations have been carried out to study the role of...
  4. From the Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services The New Extensionist Learning Kit is a learning resource for individual extension field staff, managers, and lecturers. It is based on theThe 'New Extensionist' - Roles, Strategies, and Capacities to Strengthen Extension and Advisory Services, a...
  5. Agro-Insight designs and organizes tailor-made training courses for extension service providers in extension methods, as well as in the development of video and fact sheets for farmers. We also offer courses in surveillance of plant pests and diseases. We have trained people in Bangladesh,...
  6. 80% of South Asia's poor live in rural areas. Most depend on agriculture for their livelihood. Agricultural and rural development is key to eradicating poverty and creating conditions for sustainable and equitable growth. An effective and efficient extension and advisory service that offers a...
  7. APIRAS — the Asia-Pacific Islands Rural Advisory Services Network— was organized in 2011 to serve as a platform for networking, advocacy, and capacity building for agricultural extension and rural advisory services (RAS) professionals and institutions in the Asia-Pacific Islands Region. Together...
  8. APEN offers members: a forum for professionals to share knowledge, information, skills and experience across Australia, New Zealand, Asia and the Pacific the opportunity to join a mentoring scheme to help you improveskills and abilities and a network which opens doors to future employment...
  9. The Caribbean Extension Provider's Network - CAEPNet is an organisation comprising of Extension service providers from the following countries in the region;Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Belize, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia
  10. EUFRAS is a European network and representative association of public and private rural and agricultural extension serviceswhich is aligned to the global representative body for advisory servicesGFRASwith associations set up in many other continents. Scope of EUFRAS: Common mandate to assist...